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Practice for the hygiene passport test with the new Trainify app!

Learn the basics of food hygiene and improve your skills by taking practice tests.

Download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

7,90 €
7 days (9,90 €)
9,90 €
toistuva kuukausitilaus
59,90 €
toistuva vuositilaus

How to buy Trainify.fi training time?

Buy Trainify.fi training time HERE!


Provide easy and convenient way for your group, students or employees practice for the proficiency tests! Buy an unlimited access to the Trainify.fi service for a chosen proficiency card. Request an offer for a training period for a group!

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Why you should practice with us

  • A training site independent of time and place

  • Works conveniently on mobile phones and tablets

  • The claims have been created by examiners approved by Finnish Food Safety Authority

  • A database of over 1000 claims

  • Realtime explanations for the answers

  • The possibility to practice a specific category that you need more practice on

Hygienepassport.fi - Register for a Hygiene Proficiency Test!

Did the practice help? Are you ready for the Hygiene Proficiency Test? If not, continue practicing as much as you like. If you are answering the questions "correctly with ease", find a suitable test and take part in it! We arrange tests every week across Finland.

Register for a Hygiene Proficiency Test

Hygiene Passport

Hygiene Passport is a certificate of one’s proficiency in food hygiene. Food hygiene proficiency is regulated by the food hygiene regulation (852/2004/EU), and the Food Act. Employees must have a Hygiene Passport if they in their work handle unpackaged easily perishable foods. Cafeterias, restaurants, institutional kitchens, various kiosks, fast-food restaurants, food stores, for example, and also many factories manufacturing foods are work places were the employees are required to have hygiene passports.

It is required that one within three months of commencing work must acquire a hygiene passport. These three months retroactively are calculated also to include such prior work in the food business where Hygiene Passport is required. Hygiene passport system is regulated by Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira. 

Hygiene Proficiency Test

Hygiene Proficiency Test includes 40 true/false statements. To complete the test successfully participants must score at least 34/40. The statements involve various sections of food hygiene. The person being tested marks an X in a box either for "true" or "false", depending on whether the person’s opinion agrees with that of the statement or not. There are both positive statements (of the type "one thing affects something") and negative statements of the type "one thing does not affect something”).

Time allocated for answering is 45 minutes for normal test (Finnish, Swedish and English) and there is no time limit for special situation tests (eg. translated tests). One may leave the testing premises 20 minutes after the test started, as soon as the Examiner gives a permission to leave.

Check a suitable test date and place for you on www.hygienepassport.fi

Get ready for the test by familiarizing yourself to the Hygiene Proficiency Test’s subfields, by reading material of food hygiene and by practicing for the test on Trainify.fi service.

Information about Hygiene Passport